Thursday, August 28, 2008

Setting the Stage

I just heard the news--Brittany Spears' Stage Manager is doing the set for your speech tonight.

Dude!!! That's just awesome--we Airheads are soooo proud!

Can't wait for the show,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joe Biden!

So it's going to be Joe Biden for veep. In the senate since forever. That'll shut them up about experience, for sure.

But doesn't that make it impossible to claim to be a "Washington outsider" with new, new change?

Can't wait to hear what BHO has to say about that. I'm sure it will be good! Not to mention new and different.

I don't understand, but I don't need to: I believe, and the Big O will reveal all in good time.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Russians Invade Georgia!

The Russians have invaded Georgia. I think they're pretty close to Atlanta. This is going to be worse than Sherman. Where is Obama? Last I heard he was still on vacation in Hawaii.

Maybe we need to get a big searchlight and shine a Big O in the night sky.

We need you, man!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hillary at the Con

I hear stories today about Hillary being nominated at the floor of the convention. Its over, man: you beat her fair and square. Except maybe for Michigan and Florida and that whole Superdelegate thing. I never did quite understand that. I thought the people nominated the person to run, not special interests. But whatever.

And don't even think about nominating Hillary for veep. Hillary and Michele in the same White House? No way!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gas under $120 a barrel

Dude! Oil came down to $119 a barrel today. They said it was because consumption was down. Oh-oh. Does that mean we Americans did it without government help? Unbelievable!

What's Barack going to offer us so we'll continue to support him? I'll bet he's got something going. He's got his staff working overtime. I have faith.

Yes he can!

Drilling for Oil

Did I read that right? Is Barack now saying it is OK to drill for oil in ANWR and off the coast? I thought that's what I read in the New York Times. Does this mean he, too, is in the pocket of Big Oil? If so, I am quite disappointed in my Hero. Still, I guess you have to do what you have to do to get elected.

Dunno, I'm just your

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dip into the Strategic Reserve!

We're starting to get close to the coronation--er, I mean the "nominating convention" in Denver--so doggone it, Obama is getting serious on us. I mean, I liked him better when he was just a pretty face and had all these cool vids on Facebook.

Today I read that he wants to bring gas prices down by dipping into the Strategic Reserve. Right on! What's more strategic than using 70 million barrels to help get elected? Shoot, he doesn't even have to use them yet, just say he will. Get the oil and we don't have to drill anywhere. By the time we really need that reserve, we'll all be driving electric cars. Or at least 10% of us will by the end of his first term. Dude, this guy is smart.

Wonder what his friends in Congress will say? They've been for the higher gas prices so we will conserve. Honestly, I can't figure out his energy policy but maybe he'll have the time to make sense of it for me after he's elected.

Your dipstick,

Inaugural Post

(That means, its the first post.)

So I'm relaxing last night after dinner and I had this great idea for a blog to show off all the wonderfulness that is Barack Hussein Obama. I mean, like, there's so much serious stuff out there I figured we ought to lighten up a bit, you know? Its all such hot air! (Hot air--balloon. Get it?) The man's just so--what's the word?--amazing! And I thought somebody just has to show off all that deep, awesome karma.

I couldn't believe my good luck that the name wasn't already taken.

I am your faithful,