Monday, August 4, 2008

Dip into the Strategic Reserve!

We're starting to get close to the coronation--er, I mean the "nominating convention" in Denver--so doggone it, Obama is getting serious on us. I mean, I liked him better when he was just a pretty face and had all these cool vids on Facebook.

Today I read that he wants to bring gas prices down by dipping into the Strategic Reserve. Right on! What's more strategic than using 70 million barrels to help get elected? Shoot, he doesn't even have to use them yet, just say he will. Get the oil and we don't have to drill anywhere. By the time we really need that reserve, we'll all be driving electric cars. Or at least 10% of us will by the end of his first term. Dude, this guy is smart.

Wonder what his friends in Congress will say? They've been for the higher gas prices so we will conserve. Honestly, I can't figure out his energy policy but maybe he'll have the time to make sense of it for me after he's elected.

Your dipstick,

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